The Story behind Creekbeds, Floodplains, and Terraces, Oh My!

This multi-leveled yard had three downspouts where there were water management issues when Sweetwater folk first took a peek in September 2015. Over a period of months we worked on a successful design that directed all of the problematic stormwater into the landscape, created beautiful rainwater harvesting features, and filled the property with water wise, low maintenance plants.  The installation took place over two workshops with some additional help from a local landscape company.  The project was finished in March 2016. Check out the results!


before-SuzonThe lawn had been removed from this back yard some time ago, leaving just a light layer of mulch.

marked basinsIn planning our work, we marked out placement of possible rain catchment basins.

Our first workshop was creating the basins, and a dry creekbed from one of the downspouts.  

Earthworks workshop Live Oak  Live Oak Earthworks 

It rained the next day!!

after the rain

And then we created beautiful transitions, and planted..


carrying rainwater across three terraces   transition between two basins

planting Live Oak   more planting Live Oak and voila!

the finished product!   the finished product 2   finished product 3